Low-Maintenance Landscaping: How to Keep Your Yard in Shape

  • Posted by: Admin
front yard

When it comes to your home’s landscaping, it isn’t just about designing your yard and hoping that it will stay aesthetically appealing and green the whole year-round. Keep in mind that regular maintenance is a vital part of the overall equation, as you need to consistently mow your lawn, pull the weeds, water your plants, prune your trees, and even repair your water system. Ultimately, doing so will help you promote water conservation, have a safer environment, ensure a more resilient landscape, reduce pollution, and have ample time for other tasks at home!

In this article, we will share our low-maintenance landscaping guide on how to keep your yard in top shape and condition:

Resort to xeriscaping

For the uninitiated, xeriscaping involves efficient gardening that reduces the need for supplemental water from irrigation. This process is typically common in areas with limited water supply or limited access to water. In fact, it is considered an alternative to traditional types of gardening. But did you know that you can apply this to your residential landscape as well? All it takes is to plant drought-resistant greenery that needs no or low watering, such as cacti. By doing so, you can have a low-maintenance landscape!

Here at Classic Landscapes, we’ve been providing professional landscaping services for more than ten years. Whether you want a large design-build project on a new house or a small renovation on an existing yard, our Winnipeg landscapers can make a world of difference in your landscape project!

Install garden lighting

Many property owners tend to take garden lighting for granted. What they fail to realize is how effective it is as a landscaping trick. Even something as simple as proper lighting will illuminate your garden, create an ambiance, and set your yard’s mood. With task or ambient lighting around the area, what may appear to be a generic lawn will turn into an aesthetically appealing yard almost immediately!

Have a wide array of potted plants

Another landscaping trick is having potted plants in your garden. No, they aren’t only for indoor greenery; they are actually also perfect for the outdoor surroundings! Besides, they will thrive and flourish even more when outside with fresh air and sunlight. What’s great about these potted plants is that they require little effort and minimal upkeep, but they will still give your landscape an extra charm. 

Apply mulch to replace grass

When it comes to a lawn or yard, it may immediately conjure an image of grasses that are green. But did you know that it’s best to apply mulch in every nook and cranny of your garden? While the grasses need to be properly taken care of, the mulch does the opposite. This layer of materials applied to your soil serves to conserve soil moisture, fertilize your plants, reduce weed growth, and foster the overall health of your garden. As such, putting mulch can go a long way in making a difference in your garden!


At this point, you now know that maintaining your lawn or yard doesn’t have to be a tedious and daunting task. The good news is that there are many low-maintenance steps you can take to have minimal work yet ensure proper landscape, such as the tips we’ve shared above. With all these in place, you can ensure that your landscape is in perfect shape and in good condition the whole year-round!

As a Winnipeg landscaping company, we offer a wide range of yard design and installation services. If you specifically need low-maintenance landscaping in Winnipeg, get in touch with us today to see how we can help!

Author: Admin

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